Return to Nursing

Return To Nursing (RTP)

Waitematā DHB is an accredited provider of the New Zealand Nursing Council's Return to Nursing Programme.

It is aimed at nurses who already hold Nursing Council of New Zealand registration and a previous APC and is seeking to return to practice, and who also have been out of nursing practice for five years or more.

The programme is offered twice a year – usually in April and September

However, we run open recruitment for Theatre Nurses

Paid Internship:

We are now offering the chance for those who are successful to be part of our Return to Nursing Programme with an employed Registered Nurse Intern opportunity, whereby you will be on a paid internship whilst you are completing the course!

This is a great opportunity to “earn while you learn” - once you have finished the course and obtain your APC, you will remain in employment with us as a Registered Nurse.

NOTE: you must be able to commit to working a 0.7 FTE which is 56 hours per fortnight

How long is the programme? 8-10 weeks


The theoretical component is delivered during 8 study days

The study days are in the form of informational evidence-based sessions, workshops and skill stations based on the course content as outlined.

  • Clinical issues and questions are facilitated in the weekly study days or in discussion with the Nurse Consultant – Nursing Workforce Development and with the Nurse Educator for the area.

Clinical Learning: Hours

The participants must undertake a minimum of 200 clinical hours

Minimum requirement is 3-4 clinical days per week to ensure the course is completed within 10 weeks as required by NCNZ.

To meet the criteria for the programme:

You must have not less than 2 years experience as a Registered Nurse and should have been out of practice less than 12 years (in preference although each application is taken on merit)

Successfully complete health screening and criminal vetting processes

Application Process:

All applicants will need to apply online via                          

Applications for the September 2022 are open now.

For more information about the course please contact

Jacqui Finch – Nursing Development - Or call her on 021 241 9510

 For general queries, please contact Recruitment on 09 442 7249.