Dental and Oral Health
Waitematā DHB values and recognises the importance that good oral health is fundamental to general health. Oral health promotion, education and high standards of treatment are funded and supported for Waitematā residents, setting them up for good health for life.
The Auckland Regional Dental (ARDS) service recently won 3 prestige awards for their high standards of care; both the Waitematā and Auckland DHB Better, Best Brilliant award and an individual therapist received a Health Champion award.
Community Dental Service
ARDS provides free dental care for infants who are enrolled in our service from birth up until year 8, when adolescents enrol with a family dentist. Oral health care is provided from hub clinics across Auckland metropolitan area, as well as mobile facilities.
If you want to work in New Zealand’s leading public oral health system as either a therapist or dental assistant, then click here for our current vacancies.