What We Offer Our Pasifika Staff
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Malo e lelei, Fakatalofa atu, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Malo ni, Warm Pacific greetings!
We are committed to providing our employees with the environment that supports their identity and to make sure they have a sense of belonging which validates their Pacific identity and this in turn supports them to be able to provide the best care for everyone. We recognise the value of having a workforce that reflects our population.
Below lists the support we offer our Pacific Staff:
- Matua Council to provide cultural advice and guidance and awareness for all pacific ethnic groups (Clinical and Non-Clinical)
- Pacific Mentorship and Pastoral Support.
- Access to spiritual advisors and chaplain services.
- Opportunities for people to attend 2 or 3 Pacific Professional workforce fonos (Allied Health, Nursing and Medical)
- We celebrate unique Pacific Culture once a year for a week.
- We encourage cultural protocols throughout the year
- There is a strategic priority to promote Pacific Nursing workforce leadership programmes through ANIVA Ministry of Health and Waitematā DHB Leadership pathway programmes
- Academic support for future studies.
- Regional Pacific Workforce Advisory Group
Please check out the video of our 2017 Pasifika week
Here are the details of some of our Pacific Team
Abel Smith
Clinical Nurse Director – Pacific Health and Acting General Manager - Pacific Health
Auckland DHB and Waitematā DHB
Abel started his nursing career in 1986 as a Registered Nurse. He is originally from the province of Ra in the Fiji Islands. He has worked as a clinician, educator and nurse manager in the areas of mental health, public health, obstetrics, A & E and Rural health. He has worked in the health services in Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. He is well involved with Pacific community and health professional groups in New Zealand and Abroad. He is committed to supporting the personal and professional growth of pacific people and health care workers. He is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Health science programme at AUT.
Contact him on Abel.smith@waitematadhb.govt.nz or 021 871 449

Penina is a strong promoter of Pasifika workforce, and Pasifika leadership in all areas, and all levels of practice, in particular in Physical Health - Hospital Services and Allied Health Scientific & Technical professions.
Penina’s leadership encompasses, supporting and linking pasifika staff in hospital of which group ‘Tanoa’ has grown, and also strengthening and guiding our Pacific Health support team - ‘Tautai Fakataha’, a team made up of Pasifika Matua (elders) and navigator support, whom collectively share broad knowledge and expertise grown from extensive service to hospital care. Tautai Fakataha reflect a diverse lived experience of Pacific cultural values, beliefs, and language and aspire to the meaning of ‘Tautai Fakataha’ – ‘together we guide, in unison we navigate’
Tuliana Guthrie
Programme Manager Pacific Health
Waitematā and Auckland District Health Boards
Tuliana Guthrie is of Samoan & Fijian ethnicity she was born and raised in Auckland. She was educated at the University of Auckland and is passionate about growing the Pacific health workforce.
As a registered nurse with clinical background in mental health and aged care, she has led and managed clinical teams and health services in the DHB and in private healthcare. Her post-graduate studies have been through the ANIVA Nurse Leadership programme, funded by Ministry of Health.
In her current role in workforce development projects she is responsible for the Pacific Best Practice staff education programme and the Health Science Academies programme. The role utilises her strengths in working collaborative relationships to change the health workforce landscape for Pacific people.

Ma’u Fonua –‘A - Manu Fotu
Programme Manager
Waitematā and Auckland Distrcit Health Boards
Ma’u Fonua –‘A - Manu Fotu was born in Tonga and attended Tonga High School for 3 years before emigrated with his family to New Zealand in 1980. After completing his high school years at Mt Albert Grammar School he attended University of Otago where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Biochemistry and Microbiology before moving and lived in England for 10 years. It was during his time in England that he graduated with a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing from University of York. He has worked in the mental health sector as a clinician for 10 years before taking up a role as General Manager for Vaka Tautua for 7 years. Vaka Tautua is a Pacific NGO that provides health and disability services to the Pacific Community. During this time that he completed a post graduate qualification in health management. Currently, Manu has taken up the challenge of managing the Suicide Prevention programme for both Waitematā and Auckland District Health Board.
Photo top left to right: Matua Mahe Ha'unga, Matua Leaupepe Sene Fuimaono, Falaviena (Viena) Filimoehala, Siai Tuigamala-Sausau, Tauafu (Pasi) Fonua, Sera(Tapuitea) Tagaloa, (Pulotu Bruce Levi General Manager Pacific Health), Puleiala (Ala) Tofaeono, Matangaro (Mata) Jones
Two of Tanoa - Matua Fuimaono (Pepe): Hospital Services and Savita Winter: Social Worker, Emergency Dept. Waitakere Hospital.
Left to right: Josilina Silimaka, Sera (Tapuitea) Tagaloa, Falaviena (Viena) Filimoehala, Siai Tuigamala-Sausau, Tauafu (Pasi) Fonua, Abel Smith